Ilkley Manor House is delighted to unveil 2 new external interpretation boards at the back of the Manor House.   ‘Discover the History of the Roman Fort’ and ‘Journey Back in Time’ are both situated at the back of the house.  The new vibrant and informative boards focus on what life was like in Ilkley during Roman times and show what the fort, Olicana which occupied the site might have looked like.

Julia Richards, trustee who led the project, said “The creation of these new boards was made possible thanks to funding by Ilkley Town Council and though the pandemic delayed their production it is very pleasing to see the final result of a number of people’s hard work.”   Julia also thanked local historian and fellow trustee,  John Cockshott, who helped with fact checking, graphic designer, Den Stubbs for his eye catching design and Tony Brigg and Richard Ginger for repairing the 2 plinths the boards are housed in.

You can see the boards anytime and you can find out more information and see some interesting Roman artefacts inside the Manor House at weekends between 11am and 4pm.  A Roman Fort walking trail, a podcast on Roman Ilkley and details on all Ilkley Manor House events and exhibitions can also all be found on the website:

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